July 3-6, 2005
HEC Montréal, Montreal, Canada

The International Association of Arts & Cultural Management (AIMAC) is an international network of researchers in arts and cultural management. The Association's main activity is a biennial research conference held in various cities around the world. The 8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management will be held at HEC Montréal, Canada, on July 3–6, 2005.

Knowledge in the discipline of arts management cannot develop without the contributions of both researchers and practitioners. Through its conferences, AIMAC provides a forum for the exchange of insights and perspectives in this field of study. It offers researchers the opportunity to present the results of their most recent research, to discuss ideas face-to-face and to learn about the latest developments in cultural management.


The Organizing Committee

François Colbert
Carmelle and Remi Marcoux Chair in Arts Management

Anne-Gaëlle Jolivot
Assistant professor
Departement of Marketing

Laurent Lapierre
Pierre-Péladeau Chair of Leadership

Jean-Pierre Le Goff
Institute of Applied Economics

Jean-Sébastien Marcoux
Assistant professor
Department of Marketing

Jacques Nantel
RBC Financial Group Chair of Electronic Commerce

Johanne Turbide
Associate professor
Department of Accounting Studies

Els de Wilde
Assistant professor
Department of Marketing


Last update: 17 February, 2005
Chaire de gestion des arts Carmelle et Rémi-Marcoux, gestiondesarts@hec.ca
© HEC Montréal, 2004. Tous droits réservés.