À paraître
MORADIAN, Hoora; LAROCQUE, Denis; BELLAVANCE, François. L1 Splitting Rules in Survival Forests. Lifetime Data Analysis, à paraître, DOI 10.1007/s10985-016-9372-1.
Blais, Étienne; Bourbeau, Robert; Bellavance, François; Cléroux Perreault, Marie-Pier. Évaluation par l’approche comparative : Comparaison des bilans routiers du Québec et de l’Ontario. Dans Laurent Carnis et Gilles (Dir.) Évaluation des politiques de sécurité routière : méthodes, outils et limites, 157-176. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2015.
Blais, Étienne; Bellavance, François; Marcil, Alexandra; Carnis, Laurent. Effects of introducing an administrative .05% blood alcohol concentration limit on law enforcement patterns and alcohol-related collisions in Canada. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 82, 101-111, 2015.
Carrillat, François Anthony; d’Astous, Alain; Bellavance, François; Eid, François. On ‘being there’: a comparison of the effectiveness of sporting event sponsorship among direct and indirect audiences. European Journal of Marketing, 49, 621-642, 2015.
Charbonneau, Étienne; Bellavance, François. Performance management in a benchmarking regime: Quebec’s municipal management indicators. Canadian Public Administration, 58, 110-137, 2015.
Rancourt, Marie-Ève; Bellavance, François, Goentzel, Jarrod. Market analysis and transportation procurement for food aid in Ethiopia. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 48, 198-219, 2014.
Hajjem, Ahlem; Bellavance, François, Larocque, Denis. Mixed effects random forest for clustered data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, 1313-1328, 2014.
Bellavance, François; Landry, Suzanne; Schiehll, Eduardo. Procedural justice in managerial performance evaluation: Effects of subjectivity, relationship quality, and voice opportunity. The British Accounting Review, 45, 149-166, 2013.
Messier, Stéphane; Bellavance, François; Duguay, Patrice. Accidents routiers au travail : revue de littérature. Rapport R-791, Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail, septembre 2013, 84 p. https://www.irsst.qc.ca/media/documents/PubIRSST/R-791.pdf
Pignatelli, Sonia; Bellavance, François; Duguay, Patrice. Accidents routiers au travail survenus au Québec de 2000 à 2008 - Caractéristiques et classification. Rapport R-792, Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail, septembre 2013, 75 p. https://www.irsst.qc.ca/media/documents/PubIRSST/R-792.pdf
DINE, Abdessamad; LAROCQUE, Denis; BELLAVANCE, François. Combining univariate and multivariate random forests for enhancing predictions of mixed outcomes Analysis of Mixed Data: Methods & Applications. Edited by A. R. de Leon and K. Carrière Chough. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Pages 13-30. Janvier 2013.
Paquette, Julie; Bellavance, François; Cordeau, Jean-François; Laporte, Gilbert. Measuring quality of service in dial-a-ride operation: The case of a Canadian city. Transportation, 39, 539-564, 2012.
Charbonneau, Étienne; Bellavance, François. Blame Avoidance in Public Reporting: Evidence from a Provincially-Mandated Municipal Performance Measurement Regime. Public Performance and Management Review, 35, 399-421, 2012.
Chênevert, Denis; Bellavance, François; Simard, Annie. Les déterminants des absences pour cause de maladie mentale : le cas d’une grande entreprise québécoise. Risques psychosociaux, santé et sécurité au travail : une perspective managériale. Coordonné par Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon, Olivier Bachelard et Stéphanie Carpentier. Magnard-Vuibert, Paris, Chapitre 4, pp. 51-61, février 2012.
- Le Mellédo, Jean Michel; Perez-Parada, Jorge; Morrow, Janet; Bellavance, François; Lara, Nathalie; Jahandar, Farideh; Granger, Robert; Tait, Glendon; McManus, Karen. Pentagastrin-induced hemoconcentration in healthy volunteers and patients with panic disorder: effect of pretreatment with ethinyl estradiol. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25, 71-77, 2011.
Hajjem, Ahlem; Bellavance, François; Larocque, Denis. Mixed Effects Regression Trees for Clustered Data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 81, 451-459, 2011.
- Makni R, Francoeur C, Bellavance F. Causality between corporate social performance and financial performance: evidence from Canadian firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 89: 409-422, 2009.
- Bélanger J, Gosselin A, Bellavance F. La capacité d'influence des cadres supérieurs en ressources humaines auprès des membres du comité de direction. Relations Industrielles, 64: 575-592, 2009.
- Laberge-Nadeau C, Bellavance F, Messier S, Vézina L, Pichette F. Occupant injury severity from lateral collisions: A literature review. Journal of Safety Research, 40: 427-435, 2009.
- Dine A, Larocque D, Bellavance F. Multivariate trees for mixed outcomes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53: 3795-3804, 2009.
- Bellavance F, Dionne G, Lebeau M. The value of a statistical life: A meta-analysis with a mixed effects regressions model. Journal of Health Economics, 28: 444-464, 2009.
- Schiehll E, Bellavance F, Boards of directors, CEO ownership, and the use of non-financial performance measures in the CEO bonus plan. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17 (1): 90-106, 2009.
- Sabbane LI, Bellavance F, Chebat J-C. Recency versus repetition priming effects of cigarette warnings on nonsmoding teenagers: the moderating effects of cigarette-brand familiarity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39 (3): 656-682, 2009.
- Kolodinsky J, Labrecque J, Doyon M, Reynolds T, Oble F, Bellavance F, Marquis M. Sex and Cultural differences in the acceptance of functional foods: a comparison of American, Canadian, and French College Students. Journal of American College Health, 57 (2): 143-149, 2008.
- Fredette M, Sikoti Mambu L, Chouinard A, Bellavance F. Safety impacts due to the incompatibility of SUVs, minivans, and pickup trucks in two-vehicle collisions. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40: 1987-1995, 2008.
- Batra NA, Seres-Mailo J, Hanstock C, Seres P, Khudabux J, Bellavance F, Baker G, Allen P, Tibbo P, Hui E, Le Melledo J-M. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Measurement of Brain Glutamate Levels in Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 63 (12): 1178-1184, 2008.
- Angers J-F, Laberge-Nadeau C, Bellavance F, Courchesne S, Poirier L-F, et Allaire VC. Prior model for reconstruction of contingency table. Bayesian Statistics and its Applications. Editors: Upadhyay SK et Dey D, 14-24, 2007.
- Labrecque J, Doyon M, Bellavance F, Kolodinski J. Acceptance of functional foods : a comparison of French, American, and French Canadian consumers. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54 (4): 647-661, 2006.
- Maag U,
Laberge-Nadeau C, Angers J-F, Bellavance F, Poirier L-F, Desjardins D, Messier
S. Les collisions en 1987 et en 1999: comparaisons entre les personnes
utilisatrices du téléphone mobile en 1999 et les toujours non utilisatrices. Assurances et gestion des risques, 73 (4): 443-456, 2006.
- Tardif S,
Bellavance F, van Eeden C. A nonparametric procedure for the analysis of
balanced crossover designs. The Canadian Journal of Statistics.
Voir également notes manuscrites du Professeur S. Tardif dans le fichier npcd-Tardif.pdf.
- N’Guessan
A, Bellavance F. A confidence interval estimation problem using Schur
complement approach. Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science of the
Royal Society of Canada, 39 (3): 84-91, 2005.
- Dennis AR,
Pinsonneault A, McNamara Hilmer K, Barki H, Gallupe B, Huber M, Bellavance F.
Patterns in Electronic Brainstorming: The Effects of Synergy, Social Loafing,
and Time on Group Idea Generation. International Journal of e-Collaboration,
1(4): 38-57, 2005.
- Dendukuri
N, McCusker J, Bellavance F, Cardin S, Verdon J, Karp I, Belzile E. Comparing
the validity of different sources of information on emergency department
visit: a latent class analysis. Medical Care, 43(3): 266-275, 2005.
F, Tardif S. Conditions for the validity of F-ratio tests for treatment and
carryover effects in crossover designs. Chapter 4 in Statistical Modeling and
Analysis for Complex Data Problems. Editors: Pierre Duchesne et Bruno
Rémillard, Springer, pp. 59-73, 2005.
C, Angers JF, Bellavance F, Lapierre SD, Latour R, Maag U, Messier S,
Desjardins D. L’impact de la téléphonie mobile au volant sur le dossier de
conduite. Assurance et gestion des risques, 72(3) : 555-572, 2004.
Bell E,
Baker GB, Poag C, Khudabux J, Bellavance F, Le Mellédo J-M. Response to
flumazenil during the follicular and the luteal phase in healthy controls.
Psychopharmacology, 172(3): 248-254, 2004.
- Faubert J,
Bellavance F. Temporal modulation visual fields, normal aging, Parkinson’s
disease and methyl-mercury in the James Bay Cree ; a feasibility study. Brazilian Arquives of Ophthalmology (Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia.
Nov; 66:77-91, 2003.
- Laberge-Nadeau
C, Maag U, Bellavance F, Lapierre SD, Desjardins D, Messier S, Saïdi
A.Wireless telephones and the risk of road crashes. Accident Analysis and
Prevention, 35(5): 649-660, 2003.
Nathalie, Chrapko Wendy E, Archer Stephen L, Bellavance F, Mayers Irvin, Le
Melledo J-M. Pulmonary and systemic nitric oxide measurements during
CCK-5-induced panic attacks. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28: 1810-1816, 2003.
- Morrow JD,
McManus K, Tait GR, Bellavance F, Chrapko W, Lara N, Le Melledo JM.
Pentagastrin-induced release of free fatty acids in healthy volunteers and
patients with panic disorder: effect of pretreatment with ethinyl estradiol.
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 28(2):127-33, 2003.
- Steinberg SI, Bellavance F, Jadresic E, Meunier L. Fathers have their own
problems. Gynaecology forum, 7: 30-34, 2002.
- Cole MG,
McCusker J, Bellavance F, Primeau F, Bailey R, Bonnycastle M, Laplante J.
Systematic detection and multidisciplinary care of delirium in older medical
inpatients: a randomised trial. The Canadian Medical Association Journal, 167:
753-759, 2002.
- VanGurp G,
Meterissian G, Haiek L, McCusker J, Bellavance F. St. John’s wort versus
sertraline in the treatment of major depression in primary care. Canadian
Family Physician, 48: 905-912, 2002.
- Mercier P,
Bellavance F. Effect of artificial tooth material on mandibular residual ridge
resorption. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 68: 346-350, 2002.
Libman MD,
Ibrahim SA, Omer MIA, Adlan IA, Bellavance F, Hoskins E, Bertley F, Ward BJ.
No evidence for short or long term morbidity after high titer measles
vaccination in the Sudan. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 21:
112-119, 2002.
- Ramsey M,
Gisel EG, McCusker J, Bellavance F, Platt R. Infant sucking ability,
nonorganic failure to thrive, maternal characteristics and feeding practices:
a prospective cohort study. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 44:
405-414, 2002.
Tait GR,
McManus K, Bellavance F, Lara N, Chrapko W, Le Mellédo J-M. Neuroactive
steroid changes in response to challenge with the panicogenic agent
pentagastrin. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 27 : 417-429, 2002.
- Le Mellédo
J-M, Bradwejn J, Koszycki D, Bellavance F, Bichet DG. Arginine-Vasopressin and
Oxytocin response to cholecystokinin-tetrapeptide. Peptides, 22 : 1349-1357,
- Perreault
S, Choinière M, du Souich PB, Bellavance F, Beauregard G. Pharmacokinetics of
morphine and its glucuronidated metabolites in burn injuries. The Annals of
Pharmacotherapy, 35: 1588-1592, 2001.
- Le Mellédo
J-M, Arthur H, Dalton J, Woo C, Lipton N, Bellavance F, Koszycki D, Boulenger
J-P, Bradwejn J. The influence of Type A behaviour pattern on the response to
panicogenic agent CCK-4. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 51: 513-520, 2001.
Karen, Tait Glendon R, Bellavance F, Le Mellédo J-M. Effect of ethinyl
estradiol on the panic response to the panicogenic agent pentagastrin. Journal
of Affective Disorders, 66: 273-279, 2001.
- McCusker J,
Ardam O, Bellavance F, Belzile E, Cardin S, Verdon J. Use of community
services by seniors before and after an emergency visit. Canadian Journal on
Aging, 20:193-209, 2001.
- Correa JA,
Bellavance F. Power comparison of robust approximate and nonparametric tests
for the analysis of crossover trials. Statistics in Medicine, 20: 1185-1196,
Cole MG,
Elie M, McCusker J, Bellavance F, Mansour A. The feasibility and effectiveness
of treatments for post-stroke depression in elderly medical inpatients.
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 14: 37-41, 2001.
- McCusker J,
Bellavance F, Cardin S, Belzile É, Verdon J. Prediction of hospital
utilization among elders during the 6 months after an emergency department
visit. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 36: 438-445, 2000.
Cole MG,
Elie M, McCusker J, Bellavance F, Mansour A. The feasibility and effectiveness
of treatments for depression in elderly medical inpatients. International
Psychogeriatrics, 12 : 453-461, 2000.
Elie M,
Rousseau F, Cole MG, Primeau F, McCusker J, Bellavance F. Prevalence and
detection of delirium in geriatric emergency room patients. The Canadian
Medical Association Journal, 163: 977-981, 2000.
McCusker J,
Bellavance F, Cardin S, Belzile E. Return to the emergency department among
elders : patterns and predictors. Academic Emergency Medicine, 7: 249-259,
McCusker J,
Boulenger J-P, Bellavance F, Boyer R, Miller J-M. Outcomes in a referal cohort
with anxiety disorders. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 188: 3-12,
Han L, Cole
M, Bellavance F, McCusker J, Primeau F. Tracking cognitive decline in
Alzheimer’s disease using the mini mental state examination: a meta-analysis.
International Psychogeriatrics, 12 : 231-247, 2000.
Sewitch MJ,
Rossignol M, Bellavance F, Leclair R, esdail JM, Suissa S, Proulx R, Dupuis M.
First lifetime back pain and psychiatry treatment: psychological factors and
recovery in compensated workers. Journal of the the American Association of
Occupational Health, 48: 234-242, mai 2000.
McCusker J,
Bellavance F, Cardin S, Belzile E. Validity of an activities of daily living
questionnaire among older patients in the Emergency Department. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology, 52: 1023-30, 1999.
- Steinberg S, Bellavance F. Characteristic and treatment of women with
pregnancy-related mood disorders. International Journal of Psychiatry in
Medicine, 29: 209-233, 1999.
McCusker J,
Bellavance F, Cardin S, Trepanier S, Verdon J, Ardman O, Project ISAR Steering
Committee. Detection of elders at increased risk of adverse health outcomes
after an emergency visit: the ISAR screening tool. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society, 47: 1229-1237, 1999.
Cole MG,
Bellavance F, Mansour A. Prognosis of depression in elderly community and
primary care populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American
Journal of Psychiatry, 156 : 1182-1189, 1999.
Mercier P,
Bellavance F. Low incidence of severe adverse effects after mandibular ridge
reconstruction using hydroxylapatite. International Journal of Maxillofacial
Surgery, 28 : 273-278, 1999.
Le Mellédo
J-M, Merani S, Koszycki D, Bellavance F, Palmour R, Gutkowska J, Steinberg S,
Bichet DG, Bradwejn J. Sensitivity to CCK-4 in women with and without
premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) during their follicular and luteal
phases. Neuropsychopharmacology, 20 : 81-91, 1999.
- Zou Y, Cole
MG, Primeau FJ, McCusker J, Bellavance F, Laplante J. Detection and diagnosis
of delirium in the elderly: Psychiatrist diagnosis, confusion assessment
method or consensus diagnosis? International Psychogeriatrics, 10 : 303-308,
McCusker J,
Bellavance F, Cardin S, Trepanier S, Project ISAR Steering Committee.
Screening for geriatric problems in the emergency department: reliability and
validity. Academic Emergency Medicine, 5 :883-893, 1998.
Le Mellédo
J-M, Bradwejn J, Koszycki D, Bichet DG, Bellavance F. The role of the
B-noradrenergic system in Cholecystokinin-Tetrapeptide-Induced panic symptoms.
Biological Psychiatry, 44 : 364-366, 1998.
McCusker J,
Cole M, Bellavance F, Primeau F. Reliability and validity of a new measure of
severity of delirium. International Psychogeriatrics, 10 : 421-433, 1998.
Dumont C,
Girard M, Bellavance F, Noël F. Mercury levels in the Cree population of James
Bay, Quebec, from 1988 to 1993/94. The Canadian Medical Association Journal,
158:1439-1445, 1998.
McCusker J,
Cole M, Keller E, Bellavance F, Berard A. Effectiveness of treatments of
depression in older ambulatory patients. Archives of Internal
Medicine,158:705-712, 1998.
- Elie M, Cole MG, Bellavance F, Primeau F. Delirium risk factors in elderly
hospitalized patients: A systematic review. Journal of General Internal
Medicine, 13:204-212, 1998.
Meshefedjiam G, McCusker J, Bellavance F, Baumgarten M. Factors associated
with symptoms of depression among informal caregivers of demented elders in
the community. The Gerontologist, 38:247-253, 1998.
- Boillat ME,
Gee D, Bellavance F. Ethical conflicts in home care: Patient autonomy and
physician advocacy. Canadian Family Physician, 43:2136-2142, 1997.
McCusker J,
Boulenger J-P, Boyer R, Bellavance F, Miller J-M. Use of health services for
anxiety disorders: a multi-site study in Quebec. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 42:730-736, 1997.
Cole MG,
Bellavance F. Depression in elderly medical inpatients: a meta-analysis of
outcomes. The Canadian Medical Association Journal, 157 (8):1055-1060, 1997.
McCusker J,
Healey E, Bellavance F, Connolly B. Predictors of repeat emergency department
visits by elders. Academic Emergency Medicine, 4: 581-588, 1997.
- Cole MG, Bellavance F. The prognosis of depression in old age. The
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, v5, n1, 4-14, 1997.
McCusker J,
Karp E, Yaffe MJ, Cole MG, Bellavance F. Determining detection of depression
in the elderly by primary care physicians: chart review or questionnaire?
Primary Care Psychiatry, v2, 217-221, 1996.
Mercier P,
Bellavance F, Cholewa J, Djokovic S. Long-term stability of atrophic ridges
reconstructed with hydroxylapatite: a prospective study (with discussion).
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, v54, n8, 960-969, 1996.
Kwitko ML,
Gow JA, Bellavance F. Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy: one year
follow-up. Ophthalmic Surgery and Lasers, v27, n5, supplement, S454-S457,
Gow JA,
Kwitko ML, Bellavance F. Excimer photorefractive keratectomy after
undercorrected radial keratotomy. Belgian Societies of Cataract and Refractive
Surgeons Journal, v4, n1, 20-24, 1996.
F , Tardif S, Stephens MA. Tests for the analysis of variance of crossover
designs with correlated errors. Biometrics, v52, n2, 607-612, 1996.
F, Tardif S. A nonparametric approach for the analysis of three treatment
three-period crossover designs. Biometrika, v82, n4, 865-875, 1995.
Kwitko ML,
Gow JA, Bellavance F, Woo G. Excimer photorefractive keratectomy after
undercorrected radial keratotomy. Journal of Refractive Surgery, 11(3):
supplement, S280-S283, 1995.
Hamet P,
Daignault-Gélinas M, Lambert J, Ledoux M, Whissell-Cambiotti L, Bellavance F ,
Mongeau E. Epidemiological evidence of an interaction between calcium and
sodium intake impacting on blood pressure: A Montreal study. American Journal
of Hypertension, 5(6): 378-386, 1992.
Hamet P,
Mongeau E, Lambert J, Bellavance F, Daignault-Gélinas M, Ledoux M,
Whissell-Cambiotti L. Interaction among calcium, sodium, and alcohol intake as
determinants of blood pressure. Hypertension, 17(1): supplement I, I150-I154,
Kunes J,
Tremblay J, Bellavance F, Hamet P. Influence of environmental temperature on
the blood pressure of hypertensive patients in Montreal. Hypertension, 4(5):
422-426, 1991.