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Assistant Professor


Contact Information

Institut d'économie appliquée
HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
H3T 2A7

Office: 4.102

Telephone: (514) 340-7001
Fax: (514) 340-6469


Curriculum Vitae



Research Interests

  • Environmental Economics
  • Energy Economics


Winter 2006

Summer 2006


Regulation by Reputation (2006), Computers and Operations Research (33), pages 409-425.

The Climate Change Learning Curve, accepted for publication,  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, April 2006. [learn.pdf]

Working Papers

Induced Innovation in a decentralized model of climate change, with Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti, submitted to the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, February, 2006. [rd_paper.pdf]

The Potential for Electricity Market Restructuring in Quebec with C. Robert Clark, submitted to Canadian Public Policy, November 2005.

The Welfare Implications of Climate Change Policy, in submission, November, 2005.  [leach-olg.pdf]

Subgame, set and match : Identifying Incentive Response in a Tournament with Observable Intermediate Results, IEA Working Paper, June, 2004.

An Economic Model of a Shutdown in the Thermohaline Circulation with Olivier Bahn, Manuscript, November, 2003.

Work in Prograss

Resource Extraction Under the Threat of Induced Innovation with Ujjayant Chakravorty and Michel Moreaux.

Rethinking Ricardo with Michelle Reinsborough, Manuscript, November, 2003.

Secondary benefits from emissions reduction with Olivier Bahn.


Other Interests

Espoirs de Laval Cycling Team