Always an interesting way of looking at the promotion effort: linking it to the product life cycle. If you forgot about this basic concept, better review Chapter 10.

13.    Regarding product life cycles and promotion:

    a)    persuading becomes important in the market growth stage.
    Indeed: at this stage, there are more competitors in the market place, the product is already well known, so it is important to create brand preference.

    b)    in market maturity, more competitors enter the market and the promotion emphasis must now shift to building selective demand for the firm's own brand.
    Well, one would hope that the promotion emphasis has been on the firm's own brand all the time and not just during the maturity stage! This answer is not correct.

    c)    during market introduction, the basic promotion objective is to remind.
    Of course not, during market introduction, the firm must give as much information as possible on the new product or brand. If some competitors already exist, there could also be a comparative component in the ad, i.e. stating why this brand is better.

    d)    in sales decline, the amount spent on promotion usually increases as firms use reminder promotion to increase demand.
    This depends on the situation, but as a general rule, a firm will generally decrease its promotional effort during the decline stage, unless it has identified a new market for the product.

    e)    all of the above are true.
    Obviously not.