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AUBERT, Benoit A., Jean-François HOUDE, Michel PATRY, and Suzanne RIVARD, «A Multi-level Investigation of IT Outsourcing».

AUBERT, Benoit A., Jean-François HOUDE, Michel PATRY, and Suzanne RIVARD, «The Determinants of Contractual Completeness: an Empirical Analysis of information Technology Outsourcing Contracts».

AUBERT, Benoit, Jean-François HOUDE, Michel PATRY et Suzanne RIVARD, «A Transaction Cost Analysis of IT Outsourcing».

TREMBLAY, Michel, Michel PATRY et Paul LANOIE, «Human Resources Outsourcing in Canadian Organizations: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Organizational Characteristics, Transaction Costs and Risks».

AUBERT Benoit., Henri BARKI, Michel PATRY et Vital ROY, «A Multi-Level, Multi-Theory Perspective of Information Technology Implementation».

LANOIE, Paul, Michel PATRY et Richard LAJEUNESSE, «Environmental Regulation and Productivity: New Findings on the Porter Analysis».

AUBERT, Benoit, Loubna AZAMI, Jean-Grégoire BERNARD, Pascal FRANÇOIS et Michel PATRY, «Market Response to IT Outsourcing Announcements».