HEC Montréal
Service de gestion des technologies de l'information

Accueil Technopédagogie / Professeurs / Applications pédagogiques / Tutoriel: WSS

All users can write posts (entries).  However, for users with collaboration rights (most students), and administrator has to approve the publication of the post before it is displayed. This restriction does not apply to users who have conception rights. If as an instructor, you would rather not play the role of a mediator (who approves posts) it is important to grant conception permissions to your students.

To write an entry, click on ''Create a post'' on the right of the page.

You can now give a title and write the entry. You also have the possibility to assign a category (tag) to the post. This is a keyword that reflects the theme of the post. Afterwrds, it facilitates search options for users who are looking for entries on the same theme. You can also select a publication date (by default it is the day the post is written). Once you have finished, click on ''Publish''.

Section 1: Using a Blog in WSS