HEC Montréal
Service de gestion des technologies de l'information

Accueil Technopédagogie / Professeurs / Applications pédagogiques / Tutoriel: WSS

If your students have collabroation rights in the blog, they can write entries but not publish them without your approval. If you wish that they can publish entries without any intervention on your behalf, you have to grant them conception permissions. However, if you would like to approve the entries before they are published, these are the steps to follow.

On the home page, click on the link ''Manage posts' on the right'.

You can now view all posts. The approval status (last column on the right) shows if the post is already published (approved). If not, the status is ''Pending''.

To read the entry (and to decide if you would like to publish it), click on the icon with the paper and pencil beside the title of the entry. A

You can now view the entry. To publish it, click on the button ''Publish''.

Section 1: Using a Blog in WSS