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Insurance and Risk Management is published quarterly. Its mission is to present studies and research papers on the principles and practices of insurance and risk management applied to all types of insurance policies and markets. 

Insurance and Risk Management is publishing papers dealing with the Canadian as well as the international markets for insurance. It is also interested in all legal and historical aspects of insurance products and markets. The Review encourages the submission of papers dealing with international comparisons and literature reviews on theoretical and practical principles of insurance. 

French or English manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word or compatible format and must be sent to the editorial board by e-mail at revue.assurances@hec.ca. Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in French and in English. Manuscripts to be published under the "Academic articles" section are evaluated by at least one member of one of the Journal's committees and/or by external referees. 

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and include only additional information or references. They should be listed at the end of the text. Tables and figures should have a title and are submitted at the end of the document on additional pages. Make sure that every table or figure is referred to in the text. References to published works must be indicated in the text and listed alphabetically as a separate section at the end of the text using the following proper form: 

Bernheim B. D. (1991), How Strong Are Bequest Motives? Evidence Based on Estimates of the Demand for Life Insurance and Annuities, Journal of Political Economy, 99(5): 899-927.

Bernstein, P.L. (1998), Against the Gods, The Remarkable Story of Risk, New York: John Wiley and Sons. 

Opinions expressed in Insurance and Risk Management are solely those of the authors. The editor reserves the right to make appropriate changes to insure correctness of grammar or spelling, or conformity with its editorial style. Authors must assign copyright in their manuscripts, once accepted to publication, to the Review. Authors will receive, free of charge, one copy of the issue containing their article.  

Legal Deposit: ISSN 1705-7299